Paintings 2014 - 2024 (Selection)
Dysfunctional Parents with a Precocious Toddler, Who Is Immersed in Reading Henry Miller, 2024, Oil on canvas, 99x67cm
Lovers with Different Needs, 2024, Oil on canvas, 30x22 cm
Falling Nude in the Home Office – Woman Tripping Over a Charging Cable, 2024, Oil on canvas, 24x17 cm
Female Figure Engaged in Intense Hair Care, 2024, Oil on canvas, 23x19 cm

Cleaning Routine (Room Cleaning Orgy), 2024, Oil on canvas, 79 x 104cm, Photo: Bernhard Rohnke

Dysfunctional Family, 2024, Oil on canvas, 117 x 83cm

Self-Portrait In The Studio With Art-Historically Proven Coping-Strategy, 2024, Oil on Canvas, 38x27cm
Misstep, 2024, Oil on canvas, 29x23cm
Serial Monogamists With Suncream, 2023, Oil on canvas, 69x50cm
Reclining Woman Applying Eye Drops After Seven Hours of Continuous Work on the MacBook, 2023, Oil on canvas, 23x16cm
Heteropessimistic Women With Anti-Aging Cream, 2023, Oil on canvas, 58x43cm
Self-portrait of the artist taking a cold shower to increase his testosterone level, 2023, Oil on canvas, 24x17cm

Sleeping Couple with Baguette and New Smartphone, 2022, Oil on canvas, 51x70cm

Female Nude With MacBook (Online Dating After The Consumption of Baguette), 2022, Oil on canvas, 41x61cm

Happy Hermaphrodite With New Underwear, 2022, Oil on canvas, 37x25xcm

Cannabis smoking figure in a landscape with functional architecture symbolizing the capitalist system, 2022, Oil on canvas, 30x21cm

Diva Selena Dea Berenice Cleo Augusta Faustina With Her Adoring Dandy, 2022, Oil on canvas, 67x47cm

Dysfunctional Family During the Second Lockdown, 2022, Oil on canvas, 87x57cm

Workout in the gym with the seductive scent of perspiring white bread (New baguette training and a new love story), 2022, Oil on canvas

Self-Portrait as A Painting Fetus in my Mother’s Womb (Intrauterine Nostalgia), 2022, Oil on canvas, 37x32cm

Serial Monogamists with Freshly Baked Baguette, 2021, Oil on canvas, 58,5x46cm
Intimate self-portrait of the artist, naked, bending over a washbasin, 2021, Oil on canvas, 31x22cm

Retrospective relationship analysis - self-portrait with baguette, bathrobe and ex-girlfriend, which reflects the complexity of the gender dynamics of our era (from the series "Serial Monogamy"), 2021, Oil on linen, 131x91cm

The Triumph of Simple Pleasures Over the Empty Promises of Capitalism, 2021, Oil on canvas, 80x72cm, (Der Triumph der einfachen Freuden über die leeren Versprechungen des Kapitalismus)

Two partially clothed, tanned tax officials with a homosexual Burmese shorthair cat and Holbein carnations in their loft, 2021, Oil on canvas, 160x125cm

My Therapist's Dream - Bostelmann's Face Appears Smiling Four Times in a Still Life with Daffodils, 2021, Oil on canvas, 54x42cm

Nude on a Blue Couch After the Consumption of Baguette, 2019, Oil on canvas, 90x95cm, (Akt auf einer blauen Couch nach dem Verzehr von Baguette)
Andreana on a Bulgarian meadow with a group of aphrodisiac white breads, 2019, Oil on linen, 57x40cm
Two Naked Tax Officials On The First Anniversary of Their Love With Their Homosexual, Burmese Short-Hair Cat, 2018, Oil on canvas, 90x60cm

Self-portrait of the painter with Andreana in a honeymoon suite during the necessary break between two mating intervals, 2018, Oil on canvas, 70x50cm
A Two-Sex Nurse Gives The Little, Hungry Bostelmann Her Breast, 2018, Oil on canvas, 70x50cm (Eine zweigeschlechtliche Amme gibt dem kleinen, hungrigen Bostelmann ihre Brust)

Woman with Freshly Baked Baguettes on a Couch, 2018, Oil on canvas, 70x50cm, (Frau mit ofenfrischen Baguettes auf einer Couch)

Three buttocks in compositional harmony - Andreana, Anna and self-portrait of the artist with his baguette in the sauna, 2018, Oil on canvas, 90x60cm

Two Partially Clothed Tax Officials Openly Confess Their Homosexual Tendencies After Consuming a Masculine Baguette (or: The Tender Hours After the Last Tax Audit of the Summer), 2017, Oil on canvas, 70x50cm

Reclining Nude After Breakfast - Digesting Nude, 2017, Oil on canvas, 40x50cm

Two Naked Tax Officials Experience the Wonder of Homoerotic Love as the Animal Scent of a Freshly Baked Baguette Fills the Air at Noon, 2017, Oil on canvas, 70x50cm

Volleyball Player Stretching with Two Middle-Aged White Breads - Delicious Stretching, 2016, Oil on canvas, 30x20cm

Blonde Hermaphrodite Shaving The Left Leg, 2017, Oil on canvas, 60x45cm

The Lustful Golfers After Their Honeymoon, 2017, Oil on canvas, 50x40cm, (Die lüsternen Golfer nach dem Honeymoon)

Sophie with Baguettes on Green Upholstered Furniture, 2017, Oil on canvas, 120x160cm (Sophie mit Baguettes auf grünem Polstermöbel)

Female Nude With Two Baguettes, 2017, Oil on canvas, 120x100cm,
Three Nude Art-Historians, 2017, Oil on canvas, 40x50cm,
The Eros of Bostelmann Culminates in a Lyrical Composition, Highlighting the Artist's Left Leg Advantageously (or: Sensual Bostelmann, Sweet Bostelmann), 2017, Oil on Paper, 30x30cm

Woman Without Baguette, 2015, Oil on canvas, 80x60cm
At the moment of his throw, the divine nature of Alessandro Bostelmann is revealed to a gender-fluid basketball player, 2015, Oil on canvas, 25x25cm
Autumnal Hermaphrodite in a State of Inexplicable Cheerfulness, 2014-2016, Oil on canvas, 50x40cm (Herbstlicher Hermaphrodit in einem Zustand unerklärlicher Heiterkeit)
Woman With Baguette, 2016, Oil on canvas, 70x50cm

Maritime Self-Portrait with a Dynamic Nude Model on the Beach (Hedonistic Composition with Chair), 2016, Oil on Canvas, 50x40cm

Gastroenterological Painting - Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Patient Undergoing a Colonoscopy, 2017, Oil on canvas, 50x40cm
The Lustful Golfers On Their Honeymoon, 2016, Oil on canvas, 50x40cm, (Die lüsternen Golfer im Honeymoon)
The Artist Presents His Manhood to a Blonde, Disabled Waitress on a Silver Platter, 2016, Oil on canvas, 50x40cm,
Bostelmann Leaning in the Form of a White Bread in the Arm Crook of a Nude Model on a Green Couch, 2016, Oil on Canvas, 50x40cm
Bostelmann Disguised as a Baguette Approaches an Unaware Super-Mannerist Nude Model with Remarkable Buttocks , 2015, Oil on Canvas 70x50cm

Girl with Serotonin Overproduction, Induced by Thoughts of the Artist, 2016, Oil on Canvas, 50x40cm

The touch of the divine Bostelmann causes a young nymph to faint due to excessive satisfaction, 2015, Oil on canvas, 60x50cm
Bostelmann, in the Shape of a French Bread, Caresses The Back of A Red-Blonde Nude Model Leaning on A Bedside Table, 2017, Oil on canvas, 50x40cm
Heroic Self-Portrait in Underpants (Tondo Testosterone), 2015, Oil on canvas, ⌀ 50cm (Heroisches Selbstbildnis in Unterhose (Tondo Testosterone))

Blonde Woman Smoking a Cigar on a Meadow, in a State of Inexplicable Mirth, 2015, Oil on canvas

The Artist with His Pink Battle Poodle - The Russians Are Coming!, 2014-2015, Oil on canvas, 40x30cm, (Der Künstler mit seinem rosa Kampfpudel - Die Russen kommen!)
Lunatic Picknickers on the last Days of Spring, 2015, Oil on canvas, 100x120cm